The Wells Ogunquit Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) charity and we rely on the support of our members and the community to maintain our Center.

Ways to Support
Participate in a Fundraising Event
Our fundraising activities include pancake breakfasts in the summer, a fashion show and tea party in the spring, a yard sale and various fairs throughout the year.
Our member volunteers work hard to make these events a success while having fun and enjoying the camaraderie of others.
Our members are the reason the Center exists. Annual membership dues are an important component of our operating budget.
The cost of an annual membership is $40 per person. Please stop by the center to sign up and learn more.
Advertise in our Newsletter or Placemats
Our newsletter reaches close to 600 members each month and is available to all who stop by our Center. Printed placemats with advertisements are used at many of our functions at the Center.
Contact our Office Manager, Barbara Switzer, for advertising rates and more information: bswitzerwocam2023@gmail.com or 207-646-7775.
Business or Organization Sponsorship of Activities
Join with others in your organization or business to prepare a meal for our seniors at Days of Warming or other fundraisers.
Sponsor a hole in our annual golf tournament, host an ice cream social, or donate items to be raffled at our many fundraising activities. Call Rita Sevigny, our Center Director, who would be glad to help you determine how you can sponsor an activity.
Participate in CLYNK
The Clynk program generates thousands of dollars a year for the Center. We have Clynk bags available at the Center free of charge. Alternatively, you may bring your clean empty returnable bottles and cans to the Center. Volunteers bag up the returnables and deliver them to Clynk return stations.
Legacy Planning
Consider Planned Giving – Remember the Wells Ogunquit Senior Center in your legacy planning.
Whether you make an annual donation to support a specific initiative, to celebrate a milestone birthday or in memory of a dear friend, donations are always appreciated at the Wells Ogunquit Senior Center.
Donations are accepted through our PayPal link on this website, or via checks sent to the Wells Ogunquit Senior Center, P.O. Box 987, Wells, ME 04090